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    The Victims of Unnecessary Dentistry

    Many people put their trust in the medical professionals that they visit, which includes their dentist. However, stories that have emerged over the last several years are sending a cautious message to patients: don't immediately trust everything your dentist tells you. This message contradicts how many people may feel. They want to genuinely trust that the dentist they visit is looking out for their best interests and will conduct themselves professionally and ethically. While there are reputable dentists that are concerned for their patient's well-being, there are those who are simply in it for monetary gain.

    The story of Karen Trowbridge is one of many that accounts the reality that some dentists have become more interested in profits than patients. As reported by ABC News, Karen visited a dentist in her area that subjected her to unnecessary, painful, and costly procedures.

    "She said Asgari told her during a consultation that she had a fractured jaw, which required surgery. In actuality, Trowbridge's jaw wasn't fractured. The dentist reportedly performed the surgery anyway, and instead of inserting a bone graft, he put hundreds of tiny beads into her gum line. They became infected and Trowbridge had to undergo multiple surgeries to have them removed. " ("ABC News")

    Karen was not the only patient that visited this dentist and was subjected to unnecessary procedures. Another patient reported that this same dentist gave her an unnecessary root canal, which resulted in pain and the loss of the tooth. Dozens of other civil suits were filed against this dentist for performing unnecessary procedures.

    What makes stories like this even more troubling is that it does not appear to be an isolated incident. ABC News investigated the situation and discovered numerous cases of dental fraud across the U.S., which had led to insurance companies being charged millions of dollars.

    What many people fail to realize is that cases like these leave more than just a dent in someone's finances. Being subjected to unnecessary dental procedures not only costs an individual financially, but it can also leave emotional and physical scars. Dental procedures can be painful, and some procedures lead to infections and actually cause more problems. If a procedure is done with toxic metals, it can lead to pain, suffering, and disease. There can also be emotional side effects from unnecessary dentistry, as many patients had trusted their dentist and feel confused and taken advantage of after the procedure.

    While there is a significant portion of the population that can treat and heal tooth decay and cavities naturally, such as by changing their diet to include nutrient-rich whole foods, there are some cases where seeing a dentist is necessary. Before visiting the dentist, it is critical to find someone who practices minimally invasive or holistic dentistry. Many dentists either do not share information or they are unaware of less invasive and less expensive treatment options. It is important that anyone who visits the dentist asks questions and becomes better informed about what each procedure entails. If you feel uncomfortable or pressured by a dentist, leave immediately and seek a second opinion. A good dentist will take the time to thoroughly explain treatment options, make you feel comfortable, and is genuinely concerned about your dental health and well-being.



    "Dentists Drilling for Dollars?" ABC News. ABC , 21 Jan. 2008. Web. 8 Jan 2012. < >

    Photo Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Ruby Zarzyczny from Wikimeda Commons (Public Domain)

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